Effective protein-carbohydrate diet for fat burning, menu for every day

There are many different methods of losing weight, but they are often accompanied by serious complications. A protein-carbohydrate diet is one of the ways to prevent body exhaustion, but at the same time it allows you to effectively get rid of unnecessary pounds.

rice with vegetables for weight loss

What is the essence of a protein and carbohydrate diet for weight loss?

When following one or another scheme for losing extra pounds, people are forced to restrict themselves in their diet. Due to numerous prohibitions in the diet, there is a lack of useful trace elements, including proteins and carbohydrates, which is fraught with negative consequences.

In order to prevent the development of a lack of components needed by the body, a protein-carbohydrate diet for weight loss was developed, which is based on the combination of these two elements. Its essence is the exchange of food with a lot of protein and food with a high carbohydrate content.

Therefore, due to the artificial creation of a deficiency, first of one, and then of another component, the body is forced to borrow energy from its own reserves. As a result, a protein-carbohydrate diet allows you to get rid of unnecessary pounds in the absence of a constantly annoying feeling of hunger.

What are the advantages of a protein-carbohydrate menu?

With a competent approach to creating a menu within this weight loss scheme, you can easily provoke the body to burn body fat without excessive starvation, which often causes exhaustion. Achieving results is achieved thanks to a number of inherent advantages:

  • fat deposits are burned, not muscle mass, as is often the case with weight loss. In this regard, a protein-carbohydrate diet helps prevent stretch marks and loss of skin elasticity;
  • on protein days, the body is forced to take energy from fat reserves to maintain performance, which gradually leads to weight loss;
  • on carbohydrate days, the body is saturated with energy that is needed to perform important body functions. This helps to avoid depression and problems with the work of certain organs, which are often accompanied by standard weight loss methods;
  • complete assimilation of vitamin and mineral complexes occurs, without rejection by the body.
  • the speed of metabolic processes and their quality change positively;
  • it prevents the stomach from getting used to any meal or daily diet, because protein and carbohydrate foods are changed.

The essence of a protein-carbohydrate diet helps a person to get rid of the stressful conditions inherent in most other weight loss options. Which is why a thin person is able to continue working, studying or doing housework without wanting to lie down all the time and do nothing due to the exhaustion of the body.

However, it is important to consider not only the advantages of this method of removing body fat, but also contraindications and possible complications.

Who is contraindicated in the protein-carbohydrate diet menu for weight loss?

People with:

  • problems in the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract or urinary system;
  • allergic reaction to the products used in the preparation of the diet menu;
  • stones in the gall bladder.

Also, the ban on using the protein-carbohydrate type of diet applies to pregnant and lactating women.

It is necessary to take into account the accompanying complications from this kind of weight loss - the body is forced to spend a lot of energy with such a diet, which requires hard work. Therefore, in order to ensure full-fledged activity, the load is distributed to all human systems and organs. If one of the structures is affected by the disease, the diet can cause the development of pathology and the appearance of complications during treatment.

boiled chicken egg for weight loss

What are the rules for using a protein-carbohydrate diet to burn fat?

In order to achieve the desired results in the diet, you should follow the rules when it is carried out:

  • on the first day, the daily diet should include food with an equal content of protein and carbohydrates. Then you have to eat protein-rich food for two days. The fourth day is reserved for foods with a large amount of carbohydrates. The further power supply scheme is carried out analogously;
  • despite the fact that when the diet carbohydrates and proteins are consumed separately, when following the carbohydrate menu, it should be filled with a small amount of vegetable protein;
  • due to the need to spend additional resources to maintain its own performance, the body needs large amounts of water. Therefore, compliance with the drinking regimen is mandatory. You must drink at least 2 liters of water a day. In addition to pure water, the use of natural juices and decoctions is allowed;
  • In order to prevent the exhaustion of the body, it is necessary to sleep enough. It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours a day, taking into account the body's current needs for rest;
  • Physical activity will help burn fat faster. However, it is important not to allow excessive loads on protein days, when the body directs all its forces to maintaining work. Therefore, you must stick to an average activity, devoting 20-30 minutes at least to home exercises. It is also recommended to occasionally go out into the fresh air to walk or run short distances;
  • the possibility of entering protein and carbohydrates in the menu on the same day does not mean that you can make a diet out of anything. In any case, you will have to follow the nutritionist's requirements, avoiding fatty foods, alcoholic beverages or overly sweet desserts. Only healthy and wholesome food is allowed.

After achieving the desired results, it is necessary to ensure the correct exit from the diet. Gobble up your favorite, but junk food is not allowed right away. There may be problems with the stomach, getting used to other food. Also, recently abandoned kilograms will return many times faster.

How to get out of a diet?

In order to maintain the achieved result and not to harm your own stomach, you must follow the rules of leaving the diet:

  • it is important to consistently increase the calorie content of meals;
  • the drinking regime must still be followed without changes - alcohol is still not welcome;
  • gradually expand the menu with heavy food due to small portions of fried meat;
  • the volume of meals must also be increased in stages, otherwise the stomach may not be able to cope with the digestion of all the food.

You can return to your normal diet only one week after leaving the diet. However, even after that, it is recommended to follow the balance of the menu: dishes should complement each other, but without excessive fanaticism - situations with excessive load on the stomach should be avoided.

How to put together a menu for each day of a protein-carbohydrate diet for weight loss?

When making a diet, you can follow your own taste preferences, which positively distinguishes this method from many other weight loss schemes. But in any case, when cooking, you must limit the use of:

  • Sahara;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • other additives.

You will also have to give up:

  • fried food, giving preference to cooked dishes: steamed, boiled;
  • dairy products with an excessive percentage of fat;
  • canned goods;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • fast food
  • butter and margarine;
  • sausages, including sausages and sausages.

In the food menu, proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be in a balance determined by nutritionists. Therefore, it is worth analyzing the diet for protein and carbohydrate days separately.

How to make a protein menu of a protein-carbohydrate diet for weight loss for every day?

In such periods, preference should be given to foods with a low fat content:

  • kefir;
  • fresh cheese;
  • dietary meat - suitable for rabbit or bird;
  • veal is allowed, but only lean parts;
  • eggs;
  • white fish.

In order not to harm your body, carbohydrates cannot be completely excluded from the menu. In this regard, dishes with a vegetable side dish are recommended. Sample protein daily menu:

  • morning meal. A cup of herbal tea and 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch. Omelet made from two eggs;
  • daily meal. 200 grams of lean fish, steamed, with the addition of 100 grams of cauliflower salad;
  • afternoon tea. 200 milliliters of kefir (an alternative is 30 grams of walnuts);
  • dinner. 200 grams of boiled chicken fillet, with the addition of vegetable salad (vegetable oil is allowed as a dressing).

Important: fats cannot be completely excluded, otherwise hormonal disorders may develop.

fish with vegetables for weight loss

How to fill the day with carbohydrates?

The essence of such days is in the energy load. Therefore, you need to include some proteins and complex carbohydrates in your diet:

  • cereals;
  • fruit or dried fruit;
  • wholemeal bread.

Approximate daily diet:

  • in the morning. Oatmeal cooked in water. You can use dried fruit or honey;
  • snack. 100 grams of bread with hard cheese;
  • in the afternoon. 200 grams of baked fish with rice as a side dish;
  • snack. Apple;
  • in the evening. Chicken cutlets with boiled beans.

Due to carbohydrate days, the body avoids a stressful state, which allows you to continue losing weight without complications.

What to eat on mixed days?

The menu for a week of a protein-carbohydrate diet for weight loss is not complete without a mixed day. An approximate daily diet may include:

  • for breakfast. A cup of herbal tea and an omelette;
  • for lunch. Steamed chicken cutlets and buckwheat porridge;
  • for dinner. Baked fish and sauerkraut.

For a snack between meals, you can use fruit or a small amount of nuts.